Meet the Team

Welcome to our prophetic training team page. Here you will find all about our ministry team and learn a bit more about each team member. Each  bring a wide variety of gifts and experience. Patrice stands fully in apostolic office and as such bring an apostolic and prophetic edge. Rachael is what we call a Prophetic Pastor, a Pastor with a prophetic edge, she is your seer type in the prophetic. Tau is a prophet with a focus on prophetic worship, prophetic intercession and prophetic warfare. Please keep visiting this page as it will be updated regularly. Thanks   Prophetic TeacherMy full name is Fleman Patrice Aka but most people call me Patrice or Patrice Aka. I am Founder of GCMNet (Global Church Ministries Network). I am a bond servant of Christ Jesus and I have been at His service in ministry for nearly 20 years. I am in love with Jesus and I am passionate about His Body, the Church! My desire is to see the Church rise up to be the Glorious Bride adorned for her Groom. I am married to my beautiful wife Rachael Aka and we live with our three gorgeous children, Joshua (7years old) and Esther (3 years old) and Solomon (2 months) in Britain's first area of outstanding beauty, the Gower in Swansea. I am blessed to be working with a great and diverse team and together we are here to serve you in His Name. To learn more about me please click on "About Us".   rachael1I'm Rachael Aka, Co-Founder of GCMNet (Global Church Ministries Network). I'm married to Patrice and couldn't think of a better place to be than at his side, following the Lord! I love the life that Jesus promises and the freedom He brings, and my desire is that believers rise up into their full potential in Him, and the unsaved know the heartbeat of Jesus! I love family life, and one of my greatest pleasures is seeing my children play and laugh together! We all love sharing our home and lives with others and showing people the joy of the Lord, and the love of Jesus. I am humbled to be a part of this team serving you and the Body of Christ. To learn more about me please click on "About Us".     taubios2Aloha! I am Tau Bios, originally from Hawaii &  a resident of Bremerton, Washington. I am married with four children.  I've worked  many years in the  Social Service field as an advocate for battered women, troubled teens, the homeless folks, families in transition & the developmentally disabled.  I am Currently working as a case manager for the mentally ill. I am a retired polynesian dance instructor and currently  psalming the Word of God to music, songs, & dance; a passion that I enjoy doing with my husband & children. I have served in Children/Youth Ministries, Women's Ministries, & Praise and Worship Ministries. I am part of the Prophetic Ministry Team and provide administrative & support services to the leaders and students of GCMNet Prophetic Ministry Schools.  I love God with my whole heart & thankful to serve Him through GCMNet.